How to become a better streamer

Improve the quality of your live streams and learn how to engage your audience. Use ZBD tools to earn Bitcoin tips and boost your content.

By ZBD   •   2 years ago

Some gamers can live quite luxurious lives thanks to streaming. They can earn up to $5,000 per month from subscribers, but top broadcasters make even more with sponsors. What’s the secret to their success? A combination of many things. We have a few tips, ideas and tools that will help you boost your live streams and gain more interest from your viewers. Continue reading to learn more...


  • Use proper streaming equipment
  • Integrate ZBD Streamer to receive Bitcoin tips
  • Play ZBD Kart with your viewers
  • Give your viewers Bitcoin rewards

Gear up and aim for your audience

If you're already a skilled streamer, you can skip this part. But if you're a streaming noob, your journey starts here. Click below to read more:

Must-have equipment for every streamer

Earn Bitcoin while live-streaming

For some, being a streamer can be a full-time job that provides enough money to live a decent, sometimes even excellent, life. Some platforms we mentioned above allow you to monetize your channel or collect tips from your audience. On Twitch, for example, viewers tip you with bits. These bits then need to be converted to real money, and with every transfer, there also comes a fee. At ZEBEDEE, we’re all about making that easier and cheaper for you. That's why we've made a completely free-to-use new streaming tool – ZBD Streamer.

ZBD Streamer lets you collect interactive Bitcoin tips on your live streams on any platform.

ZBD Streamer is an overlay that you can use with any streaming software. It allows you to display a QR code on your stream, which your viewers can scan to send you a little bit of Bitcoin. They can equip their tip with a message that is displayed on the screen alongside a customizable animation. The tips come directly to you – instantly and with near-zero fees. And since it’s Bitcoin, it’s already actual money that you don’t need to trade or exchange when you want to spend it. The audience isn't just paying you for cool content, they're actually using their tips to interact with the show for all to see!

ZBD Streamer will take your streaming to the next level.

You'll need the ZBD app to set up your ZBD Streamer, but your audience can actually send you tips from any Lightning Wallet. Continue reading here to learn more about setting it up and start earning money with streaming!

You can see here an example of how ZBD Streamer works on Twitch live streams.

Engage with the audience on your live streams

When you’re all geared-up and you know how to earn sats by broadcasting, there is just one more secret you need to know: Keep it interesting! If you're thinking about streaming or already doing it, you probably know what you want to stream and how you want to do it. But to keep your viewers coming back, the trick is to include them in your streams as much as possible. There are a few classic engagement tactics, like:

  • Q&A or AMA: Engage the audience by ecnouraging them to ask you anything and answer them.
  • Quiz or polls: Just for good fun or to test your audience's knowledge about the topic you talk about. Very easy to set up and pull up during your live stream.
  • Live chat: Ask them to comment on things, to give you their advice on how to improve your skills, recommend you new skins, etc.

In all three cases, you have to add something of your own to the game you're playing to make it more engaging. But there are some games that have player engagement encoded in their core. Take, for example, ZBD Kart, a Mario Kart-like arcade racer that you can play with your audience and reward them with sats.

ZBD Kart is a fun racing PC game you can play with up to 12 other players online.
ZEBEDEE Kart gameplay – win Bitcoin by playing.
Collect coins in ZBD Kart and fire them at your opponents.

You can host your own server and load it with Bitcoin to raise the stakes for the players. Your audience can join you and race for rewards during your live stream. They'll have to put the pedal to the metal to win, and collect Bitcoin on the road to earn rewards paid out at the end. But they can also use the coins they collect as projectiles to hinder the opposition and blitz past them. Will they hoard the coins and end up last, or use them to outspeed the competition and collect a winner bonus at the chequered flag? Either way, it's guaranteed to be a lot of fun for everyone! Learn more about ZBD Kart, including how to host your own game, and engage with your audience on another level.

The combination of ZBD Streamer and ZBD Kart is a great way to raise your streaming to the next level. It unlocks a new way of interacting with your audience and building an engaged community while getting paid at the same time.

To start, get the ZBD app. Download it, and superpower your live streams with Bitcoin!

This post was updated in July 2023.

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