Thanks to all who entered our Ho-Ho-HODL Sats Giveaway! Our Giveaway has officially ended. And now for the moment we’ve all been waiting for, here are week three’s 10 winners. Congrats, and enjoy your $750 in BTC:
76lucent |
jrcappy2251ee4998 |
ArdenLocke |
wilsonjemima722db05cd5 |
eellcessor |
scallopgod |
Turty |
dsle882941178fa |
wilzscott008 |
BlackEagles |
Week two’s 25 winners were:
jamesjtindell0d718b2b |
Therealamc |
bhrenkapp90 |
tbtenterprises913b9c1965c |
DreamerK4 |
grahamlinndustriesfe770bae |
xoticgraphix7317f362 |
Scotsman88 |
9sxm6hrp9gdbbd6b28 |
slaymorgan |
mekatus486d1876 |
inplainview |
Destro3000 |
RedMoonBoy |
HippoCritical |
nation1142622c |
brianmartin02ab0da012 |
bryant1983 |
RichieBoy |
emilboruch73f506a2a5 |
xxSUGAMxx |
ycb420daf85bd4 |
fattybluefin |
tripacid25e0b64aac |
And finally, here were week one’s 50 winners:
buringastyn12e42bfe |
japioneer564f7c4ecc |
tldaggs23206f4d6f91 |
pm1997123 |
ginnburst40149f26 |
gamesoldier3497d26e3f11 |
yvngin |
robertad1eeaff9 |
chrystal0223e7ad6374 |
devsmalls097b638662 |
kyleleet4102555a60ff |
brybro98f0fab041 |
melmazgani7e6d7737 |
kekedatbfa0d321d |
gusmachen1fd161562 |
tr1pp3xpandaefb206eb |
kourtneyzarback1474649daffe5 |
apolo416f645f |
amizadaisimon96906c017a |
bobsandshark7ffdb082 |
jessivw6edfd3f0 |
seth76936f00 |
dg982647cbe48378 |
lportofeb4c24132 |
zacharymbennettfbfe98cb |
DevilsMistress |
TrapManSosa |
marrrro64e3e1140e |
jojobreon295d6aefff |
almightyandy89 |
jahillaa1d997e |
laceysmith2870a7b3b6d9 |
dskreetbtb9867b114 |
haleyfleshner6f6cafaf |
smastny09dab82f |
metalshredder978c9d6302 |
9b59ch67zw3b982cb2 |
8hq929mh5r62019bf7 |
mellow56008a1e19888 |
p8f1cb33e |
mayluke9855cff3173 |
g8qjbxmyz42f0c9ad4 |
nv2400 |
viperjarede0dc8d8f |
mea77a488 |
jonestressa318405431 |
donnahampl31194bb93d |
sukigadwah4a864bd7 |
whitelistlba1c06550 |
thedarktorn04491a48 |
Stack your sats this holiday season with the Ho-Ho-HODL Sats Giveaway! For the next three Fridays, we’re giving out a total of $15,000 in Bitcoin prizes during our weekly drawings. Ready to join?
Enter the contest starting on December 1st, and check in on ZBD every day to earn your daily entry ticket. Plus, there’s a bunch of other ways to earn extra entry tickets and free sats. Meaning the more entries you get, the more chances you’ll have to win!*
Here’s the schedule of drawings:

Earn extra entry tickets by completing the following tasks every day*:

So, how many entries do you think you can rack up? For all giveaway details, be sure to check out our full guide.
So LFG…earn those entry tickets!
*Each additional entry action can only be completed once a week. Each week we’ll add up how many actions you completed and add it to your total entries. Your entries will roll over each week for another chance at winning.